World's simplest invoicing system with in-build GST calculation. Now you can invoice your customer in seconds.

EasyGST software, developed by HashCoder (Web Design & Development Company, Sikkim) makes your business easy and time consumption by conveniently calculates the GST and display the exact amount to be paid by the customers automatically. As nowadays implementation of GST has somewhat made a customer’s confused but this EasyGST software helps the entrepreneurs in their business.

Go ahead and give it full test to checkout the amazing features behind our application.
Demo Link: http://easygst.hashcoder.com/
Username: admin@admin.com
Password: admin


e - Restaurant

Time is very precious so our main goal of this project is to create such a restaurant management software or system which will save time for both customers & restaurant management team and keep records systematically and worry less about calculation and GST. On the other hand it will help to run business with much more efficiently than past.

Go ahead and give it full test to checkout the amazing features behind our application.
Demo Link: http://erestaurant.hashcoder.com/
User Name: admin
Password: admin